After almost 1 month without recording back again: P
Links mentioned in this episode:
Odaiba Net Free software for everyone in the Channel 1 - Computers & Technology, Earth Music Network
The Beatles circle
Salu2 podcast
Ubuntu in subway cars in Mexico City
The following article you can find on the blog of Michael Palma Siuzhet 2.0 As have lengthy four-step system
a) sudo apt-get install upgrade-system localepurge
b) sudo upgrade-system
c) sudo apt-get autoremove
d) sudo apt-get install deborphan
e) deborphan not necessary and the complement that is in the same line (the sudo apt-get, and remove - purge) eliminate them completely.
This series of steps is not necessary to do it often, unless you've installed and uninstalled many applications. Note that you can get to take some time to complete due to the search to be done.
Questions? Questions? Let me know!