Thursday, May 19, 2011

Breastfeeding To Old Man

Summer White

I spoke once ( here ) of "petites robes blanches" or white party dresses, short and simple, but something essential: style.

have as teammates and opponents to "little black dress", can be equally lucid at a party, event or act is in compliance with the minimalist spirit of the garment.

But I do not like the black ..... I always opted for white.

And now for the summer, the tanned, healthy look, you can do very well with a dress white.

This has trapeze line (I'll devote an entry to themselves, because I've done all kinds!)

and a cascade of ruffles on the front, which are those that give a special touch.

're at it, I've done a fringed purse Coco and a brilliant pear pin size (it is false, be assured) in the same fabric as the dress.

And it remains to have fun!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Octagon Tabel Blueprint


In the front seat of Women Defending Pachamama in Cuenca conference was held press on the Rio Blanco mining project, called by the Popular Defense Coordinator Molleturo (CPM), the National Coordinator for the Defense of Life and Sovereignty (CNDVS) and the Women's Front.

Spokesmen for the convening organizations reported that the company Mireral International Corporation BMI, attempts to socialize their mega Rio Blanco gold project, whose concessions are unwise, therefore illegal and illegitimate, so that there can be no socialization, on the contrary it should have applied the mining mandate (Art. 1 and 3) and have extinguished these concessions.
However this did not happen because the government did not want to touch the transnational mining companies, and has placed more people involved directly with the companies in key positions in the Ministry of nonrenewable resources. Such is the case of the current Minister of Mines Federico Auquilla who was regional manager of the International Mineral Corporation (IMC) and its subsidiary San Luis Minerals.

Auquilla also served as Regional Director of Mines of Azuay and then catapulted him earlier this year to replace Vice Luis Bustamante who "... presented the resignation, due to little progress in a number of mining contracts that were to begin in December." (, 01/23/2011) This was a "lucky" to the IMC as Auquilla has given priority to negotiations with the companies that have projects "stars" supported by the government, including White River just BMI, to the extent that they are complying with the latest requirements, this is the socialization of Environmental Impact Assessment for the exploitation phase, and proceed to sign the contract with the State as soon as possible.

The concern is greatest when it is known that in 2008 the IMC had a serious dispute with former workers from the communities of Rio Blanco, Cochapamba, Yumate and Llano Largo, who conducted a four-month strike and earned him labor trial mining for breach of their settlements, and despite all this, "coincidentally" since Vice Auquilla took in January this year, accelerated negotiations and paperwork for their operating permits.

Fernando Mejía Member of the Board of CNDVS said you can not just bury the constitutional violations and rights communities committed to awarding concessions without prior consultation, as established by the previous constitution, why was issued Constituent known as mining mandate, which was never implemented, and it is understandable due to vested interests, as evidenced by the fact that the former manager of the company is current BMI Deputy Minister of Mines.

Meanwhile Juan Chuñir Coordinadora Popular de Molleturo said yesterday that it delivered a letter addressed to Gustavo Morejon, Provincial Director, Ministry of Environment, which has returned to request a certified copy of the process Prior Consultation with communities with a history of that in 2008 the CNDVS filed a complaint with the National Ombudsman for more than a year that took this step, never filed paperwork for prior consultation. (See attached letter).

Rosa, for his part said that besides the failure of prior consultation, the company has concessions in the buffer area of \u200b\u200bCajas National Park, so it ought to apply the mining mandate on Article 3, and declare the extinction without financial compensation for concessions for the IMC, which are within the buffer zone of a major national parks Ecuador.

Maria Herlinda Gutama, Vice President Front Women Defending Pachamama said you can not leave unpunished violations by the IMC and it will continue to demand ever Molleturo communities were consulted.

Manuel Suro community, for its part said that most of the IMC in their communities have a problem with Ecuadorgold mining, and therefore is asking the Ministry of Environment also the documentation process Prior Consultation mandatory that the State had to do for the delivery of concessions.

The representatives of the organizations indicated that in addition to eventually require the Ministry of Environment not continue to abuse their rights trying to socialize a project whose concessions are unwise, and must be served under the Mining Mandate.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Before starting to describe this doll I deeply thank the help given by my friend flickr , campushero, who kindly helped me very kindly and selflessly dilusidar all doubts regarding the MOD HAIR KEN ®. On the other hand I should mention that all these pieces Vintage Mod and I have acquired through Venezuela retrotoys boys. Besides this suit KEN ® is the new set of clothes coming out in 2010 and that I have her original dress. The photographs focus on his face where the main difference with the rest of the same name.
The MOD HAIR KEN MONTGOMERY WARD's ® is one of those extremely special cases within the 50-year history of this dude. Montgomery Ward is a department chain similar to what is Sears and for 1974 in their catalog sales sold this version which was requested via email and we will send buyers directly to your mailbox packed in a simple cardboard box brown oil (no design) stamped with the number 7234 and the text doll made in Hong Kong, clothes Made in Korea, good clothing was a simple short red, if you wanted to see nicely dressed in the same catalog offered their evening dress consisting of pantaones and black shoes, bag of flowers in blue and the sky in black suede, turquoise shirt with enough transparentona faralaos and black bowtie. Some distinguishing features are his whiskers painted with a kind of aerosol, their hair is reddish and shorter back, and the shape of your face is larger and elongated compared with the other MOD HAIR KEN ® and a rigid vinyl.
Campushero I Must thank ³ you again for all of your help You are Such a kind person.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Clear Mucus 1 Day Before My Period?