To my astonishment looking on the internet I stumbled upon this unique San Nicolas at prices no lower, fortunately I could buy a supply of those who never can be neglected . Despite not liking the line of I Love Lucy Barbie ® but adorla to it as the best comedian of many times, can make us laugh with that universal and timeless humor that carateriza, should not miss the opportunity to give my collection that magic touch of Christmas. This rare example inspired by the actor Desi Arnaz Ricky Ricardo playing in a Christmas episode of that program where 4 adult comedy disguised as Santa, of course including Lucy, is a lesson on how to keep alive the spirit of Christmas, at the end of the program a 5th character appears wearing the same outfit and is just the same SANTA CLAUS. This program aired on 24 December 1956. KEN ® trade name does not appear in the box.
Dedicated to my Grandma Rose, who always reminded me of how funny the way I told her child "Sicolas" the old man in red.
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