Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Career Versus Relationship
The truth is that Manuela always liked the military green layer of his great-grandfather, who served for the Fifth Regiment in the 36.
Now that you have returned to fashion, Manuela has pulled the trunk and has added chapiri his other grandfather, yes, decorating both with some latest additions.
This red cotton skirt and tulle and striped socks, the layer gives the appearance of a Little Red Riding Hood more martial, ready to face all the wolves to be crossed.
A yellow star on red background adorns the chapiri and you earn in color.
The second combination is a favorite Manuela office for days. Those in which decides she is the Chief and see who peep!
Put matching pants layer, so that the "business suit" is complete. As in the background is not so hard, decorate your chapiri with a jasmine flower and a lily, emblem of his times "girl scout".
Butterfly on the purse also lightens the look too formal business suit.
And finally, the touch "trendy."
Who can resist this combination of thatched cot, linen trousers, boots, shirt, silk tie (super smart) and a layer of brass buttons??
This mixture as impossible just happens to Manuela, who knows what everything feels great!
This time is adorned by a Cross-band simple, inconspicuous, and that combined with the crude and gold of the whole.
say "a good layer cover everything, but this is not the aim of Manuela, eh??
Outbreak After Shaving
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Older Women Playing With Themselvs
Indanza Lemon, February 13 .- This past Saturday, Feb. 12 at the Canton Limón hundreds of peasants once again rejected the presence of foreign mining Corriente Resources -explorcobres-EXSA within the framework of the Dialogue for Life 25.
The meeting was attended by delegations from other provinces, but it was the peasantry of Limón Canton through the Association of Peasants of Limon Indanza ACLI had attended a majority representation to reject the Chinese-Canadian mining above.
point topped The massive participation Mini Lemon Huequito Coliseum once again demonstrated the full force of the protest against mega mining, mining company highlighting that despite millions of deception campaigns and mechanisms (many using the structures of state and government) has no license social.
1. Reject the presence of current-explorcobres-ECSA Resouces and unconditional solidarity with organizations and communities who resist this foreign company.
2. Reject the purchase of consciences that they have done artfully miners in search of the social license.
3. Continue Dialogues by Life.
4. Continue with the process of strengthening grassroots organizing.
5. Continue to denounce the illegal and unwise concessions that comprise thousands of hectares in the hands of trustees and foreign companies.
6. Reject the use of the popular struggle for interests other than those of the people.
7. To reject the criminalization of resistance and persecution, repression mechanism that is being used not just now but from the very beginning of this government.
8. Convene a People's Assembly Gualaquiza.
9. Participate in the Fourth National Conference of Women and the First Meeting of Guardians of the Amazon called by the Women Defenders Front of the Pachamama, the Front Women's Guardians of the Amazon, the Kichwa people of Tzawata-Ila-Chukapi and Amazon communist youth organization for 21, 22, 23 and 24 March in Tzawata and Cuenca.
10. Reject the presence of environmental NGOs companies cause division and undermine the legitimate right to the land of peasants and their organization.
Communication Team of the National Coordinator for the Defense of Life and Sovereignty CNDVS
les agriculteurs et les AGRICULTRICES Indanza LEMON ET D'AUTRES REGIONS ratified ONT LE À la presence Rejet CURRENT-resorces EXPLOCOBRES-EXSA
Indanza Limon, February 13 .- This Saturday, February 12, Canton Limón hundreds of peasants and farmers have rejected, once again, the presence of foreign mining company Corriente Resources explorcobres-in-ExsA Dialogue under the 25E for life.
At this meeting, several delegations from other provinces were present. However, the largest representation was that of the peasants of the canton of Limon via the Association of Peasants of Limon Indanza ACLI. This has largely rejected the Chinese-Canadian mining above mentioned.
Participation have invested massive mini Coliseum Huequito Limon has demonstrated once again, the full force of the protest against mega mining, stressing that despite campaigns billionaires and mechanisms misleading (often using the structures State and government) that mining company has no social license.
1. Denying the presence of Corriente Resouces-ECSA-explorcobres showing unconditional solidarity with organizations and communities that resist this foreign company.
2. Reject the purchase of consciences skillfully made by companies seeking a licensed social
3. Els continue Dialogues for Life.
4. Continue the process of strengthening grassroots organizing.
5. Continue to expose illegal concessions made without consultation, which means thousands of acres in the hands of nominees and foreign companies.
6. Refuse the use of the popular struggle for interests other than those of the village.
7. Reject the criminalization and persecution of resistance, repression mechanism used not only now but at the beginning of this government.
8. Convene an Extraordinary popular Gualaquiza.
9. Participate at the Fourth National Meeting of Women and the first against the Guardians of the Amazon organized on 21, 22, 23 and 24 March to the Front Cuenca.par Tzawata and Women Defenders of the Pachamama, the Front of the Defenders of Women Amazonia, the Kichwa people of Tzawata-Ila-Chukapi and the Organization Juvenil Comuna Amazonica.
10. Exclude the corporate environmental NGOs because of division and undermine the legitimate right of farmers and peasants to the land and their own organization.
Communications Team of the Coordinadora Nacional por Defense of Life and Sovereignty CNDVS
Schwarzkopf Products Philippines
If I'm lazy lately for just about everything, imagine how it will be to place awards in my library. And do not think I do not like, what will! Is that they take much time and copy and paste. But once set to work, there they go. Recent awards to arrive and had not yet publicly thanked.
This, plus a prize, is a game that offers me Chema, of My paper world.
The rules are:
1. Thanks to whom you gave it, mentioning in a post.
2.Name and your time six blogs to which you want to give it.
3.Contesta these six questions:
1) If you had a time machine, what era would you travel? I like the Middle Ages, but only to watch from the sidelines, of course not to live.
2) And if one time in your life? (Adolescence, childhood, future ...) I stay with this. Here is fine.
3) What things do you like more time? my Mother! Sewing, knitting, crocheting, reading, visiting blogs, chat with friends in front of a tea or a glass of wine, order the house, updating all .....
4) If you had to live inside a movie or a TV series, what would it be? I love to live with Lizzie Bennet in "Pride and Prejudice" series of the BBC with the fantastic Mr. Darcy!!
5) If you dedicate yourself to what you do today, what would you be? Mmmmhh, professional designer something nice.
6) If you are granted three wishes, what would they be? Longevity for people who want the power to make better use of my free time and a mini red with white hood!
control is what blogs that have rewarded me lately, you have to be thankful:
Nadicsa of Playing with my kekas
Ana, Marisa
soaping of Cajon desaztre Princess Nobody
and two other friends who also deserve it:
Susanna of Susanna Nancys
M ª Angeles, Nancy Back to
The following prize "Blog Friendly" Ana granted me, soaps, Nadicsa of playing with my kekas, and Marisa, desaztre Cajon, above.
The next award, "Arte y pico" Princess Nobody gave me, also above.
And this, "Stylish blogger once again Ana Soaps, has spoiled me!
I want to grant them (no rules, I do not remember) to blogs I admire and appreciate, new and old posts that are reinvented every day, often leaving us with open mouth and eyes as food for their good work. I propose a journey through the right side of my blog, on my list of favorite blogs. Tomorrow
Friday, February 11, 2011
Vinci Baseball Gloves
Hands up who has not ever played "blind man's buff."
Okay, so I do not think so because it is one of the most popular games of all time.
My bellies also play, of course!!
But only the girls. I wished they played well boys, but I found it very sexist game, talking barriguilmente , because if the guys play ......
show us the truqui to keep all standing !!!!!
Halechildren, go and play marbles, nice people!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Computer Freezes With Vuze
Saturday, February 12, 2011
The National Coordinator for the Defense of Life and Sovereignty-CNDVS, the Association of Peasants of Limon Indanza ACLI, the Women's Front Guardians of the Amazon and the Coordinadora Campesina Popular CCP, CALL: the Twenty-Fifth Dialogue for Life to be held in Canton Limón, Morona Santiago province, on Saturday February 12, 2011 from 0900, on Court Huequito cover. Will have the participation of delegations coming from various provinces and areas affected by the presence of multinational mining.
DIALOGUE FOR LIFE The meeting places are called by communities and grassroots organizations grouped in the National Coordinating Committee for the Defence of Life and Sovereignty CNDVS, who have been fighting against mining projects that have become a serious threat to life of local populations. Dialogues for Life are direct spaces where organizations and participating communities reported, discussed and settled on the direction to bring the popular resistance to the mining companies and environmental and social impacts they cause. It also covers such topics as the defense of land, water and rights of the peasantry in general.
The CNDVS, has made 24 Dialogues for Life in different parts of the country, which is taken up proposals and initiatives of communities to mining problems. This active participation has come out with strategies of resistance to the mega-mining and other mining that pollutes our ecosystems. It has also been a space for art and culture that emerges from this resistance.
This 25 DIALOGUE FOR LIFE will be held in Limon aims to strengthen the struggle of peasant communities in the region against the invading Chinese-Canadian miners Current Resources-Explorcobres-ECXA, refused to confirm the presence of this ore has generated constant conflict and division in communities. Also discussed other issues like the dangers of peasant rights, defense of land and anti-popular taxes. The decisions taken will be implemented to defend the right to our lands and interests of the peasantry of the region.
I hope with your commitment and solidarity.
LEMON, 12 February 2011
The Amazon is not for sale! Corriente Resources
Date: Saturday, February 12, 2011
Location: Court Huequito cover (bridge entrance) in Canton Limon, Province of Morona Santiago.
0900: - Concentration of the delegates and participants
09H30: - Welcome by teammate Vincent Zhunio Association President Lemon
Indanza Peasants.
- Opening the Dialogue for Life by a delegate of the board of CNDVS
10H00: - 1st Exhibition: "The struggle of organized peasants against
Lemon transnational mining and defense of the land and their rights"
10h20: - Participation in Group Dance Group
Gualaquiza 10H30: - 2nd Exhibition: "The mining problem: history and current status"
11H: 00 - Participation Gualaquiza Dance Group
11h20 - Popular Assembly with the participation of
community leaders and Popular Organizations (must pre-registration of participants)
12.30 - 12.45 Drafting
resolutions: - Performance by Jaime Guevara Village Songwriter
13.00 - 13.45 Lunch
Community - Final reading of resolutions
14H00: - Closing the event
MORE INFORMATION: coornvidasoberania@gmail.com 085569909 to 086888156 www.nomineria.tk
IMPORTANT NOTE: This event is funded by the sweat, effort and solidarity of communities and grassroots organizations.
HELP NEEDED: If you are an artist go and express yourself, if you are a journalist committed to help us to inform and spread. If you want help with food or money (honest sources) do not hesitate to connect to Email and phone listed above.
The Amazon is not for sale!
For the Pachamama, Life and Sovereignty, Ecuador mining free!
Samedi 12 février 2011
Le Coordination Nationale pour la Défense de la Vie et de la Souveraineté-CNDVS, l'Association Peasants Indanza Limón - ACLI, the Front Women's Guardians of the Amazon, and the Coordination Rurale Populaire - CCP COVOQUENT: The Twenty-Fifth Dialogue for Life to be held in the Cancha Cubierta del Huequito in the canton of Limon Morona Santiago province Saturday, February 12, 2011 from 9am. Will present the delegations from various provinces and regions affected by the presence of multinational mining companies.
DIALOGUES FOR LIFE The meeting places are created by communities and grassroots organizations grouped in the National Coordinating Committee for the defense of life and sovereignty CNDV, fighting against mining projects become a serious threat to life the local people. Dialogues for Life are places where organizations and participating communities complain, discuss and décicent guidelines for popular resistance against the mining companies and environmental and social impacts they cause. Also covered are topics such as defense of land, water and rights of the peasantry in general.
The objective of this 25me DIALOGUE FOR LIFE to be held in Limon is to strengthen the struggle of peasant communities in the region against the invasion of China-Canada mining Corriente Resources-Explorcobres-ECXA like to reaffirm the denial of his presence a source of constant conflict and division in communities. Also discussed will be discussed other issues such as threats to farmers' rights, defense of land and taxes anti-people. The decisions will be implemented for the right to defend our lands, properties and interests of the peasantry of the region.
We're waiting with your commitment and your solidarity.
Guardian la Amazonia
Coordinadora Campesina POPULAR - CCP
Saturday, February 5, 2011
How To Unlock Casehard Combinations
Sorry for the absence. We have been on sale.
Made a lightning trip to Beverly Hills because in London and the discounts were passed, and we feel like we know the owners of the shops, do not go thinking that only buy on sale.
was not in sales, but Marianne seemed to him the necklace she's wearing. Finally, not all will be bargains .....
The most annoying thing is having to dress in winter, but have the incentive of all brand new clothes!