If I'm lazy lately for just about everything, imagine how it will be to place awards in my library. And do not think I do not like, what will! Is that they take much time and copy and paste. But once set to work, there they go. Recent awards to arrive and had not yet publicly thanked.
This, plus a prize, is a game that offers me Chema, of My paper world.
The rules are:
1. Thanks to whom you gave it, mentioning in a post.
2.Name and your time six blogs to which you want to give it.
3.Contesta these six questions:
1) If you had a time machine, what era would you travel? I like the Middle Ages, but only to watch from the sidelines, of course not to live.
2) And if one time in your life? (Adolescence, childhood, future ...) I stay with this. Here is fine.
3) What things do you like more time? my Mother! Sewing, knitting, crocheting, reading, visiting blogs, chat with friends in front of a tea or a glass of wine, order the house, updating all .....
4) If you had to live inside a movie or a TV series, what would it be? I love to live with Lizzie Bennet in "Pride and Prejudice" series of the BBC with the fantastic Mr. Darcy!!
5) If you dedicate yourself to what you do today, what would you be? Mmmmhh, professional designer something nice.
6) If you are granted three wishes, what would they be? Longevity for people who want the power to make better use of my free time and a mini red with white hood!
control is what blogs that have rewarded me lately, you have to be thankful:
Nadicsa of Playing with my kekas
Ana, Marisa
soaping of Cajon desaztre Princess Nobody
and two other friends who also deserve it:
Susanna of Susanna Nancys
M ยช Angeles, Nancy Back to
The following prize "Blog Friendly" Ana granted me, soaps, Nadicsa of playing with my kekas, and Marisa, desaztre Cajon, above.
The next award, "Arte y pico" Princess Nobody gave me, also above.
And this, "Stylish blogger once again Ana Soaps, has spoiled me!
I want to grant them (no rules, I do not remember) to blogs I admire and appreciate, new and old posts that are reinvented every day, often leaving us with open mouth and eyes as food for their good work. I propose a journey through the right side of my blog, on my list of favorite blogs. Tomorrow
notice that today's super late!
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