Indanza Lemon, February 13 .- This past Saturday, Feb. 12 at the Canton Limón hundreds of peasants once again rejected the presence of foreign mining Corriente Resources -explorcobres-EXSA within the framework of the Dialogue for Life 25.
The meeting was attended by delegations from other provinces, but it was the peasantry of Limón Canton through the Association of Peasants of Limon Indanza ACLI had attended a majority representation to reject the Chinese-Canadian mining above.
point topped The massive participation Mini Lemon Huequito Coliseum once again demonstrated the full force of the protest against mega mining, mining company highlighting that despite millions of deception campaigns and mechanisms (many using the structures of state and government) has no license social.
1. Reject the presence of current-explorcobres-ECSA Resouces and unconditional solidarity with organizations and communities who resist this foreign company.
2. Reject the purchase of consciences that they have done artfully miners in search of the social license.
3. Continue Dialogues by Life.
4. Continue with the process of strengthening grassroots organizing.
5. Continue to denounce the illegal and unwise concessions that comprise thousands of hectares in the hands of trustees and foreign companies.
6. Reject the use of the popular struggle for interests other than those of the people.
7. To reject the criminalization of resistance and persecution, repression mechanism that is being used not just now but from the very beginning of this government.
8. Convene a People's Assembly Gualaquiza.
9. Participate in the Fourth National Conference of Women and the First Meeting of Guardians of the Amazon called by the Women Defenders Front of the Pachamama, the Front Women's Guardians of the Amazon, the Kichwa people of Tzawata-Ila-Chukapi and Amazon communist youth organization for 21, 22, 23 and 24 March in Tzawata and Cuenca.
10. Reject the presence of environmental NGOs companies cause division and undermine the legitimate right to the land of peasants and their organization.
Communication Team of the National Coordinator for the Defense of Life and Sovereignty CNDVS
les agriculteurs et les AGRICULTRICES Indanza LEMON ET D'AUTRES REGIONS ratified ONT LE À la presence Rejet CURRENT-resorces EXPLOCOBRES-EXSA
Indanza Limon, February 13 .- This Saturday, February 12, Canton Limón hundreds of peasants and farmers have rejected, once again, the presence of foreign mining company Corriente Resources explorcobres-in-ExsA Dialogue under the 25E for life.
At this meeting, several delegations from other provinces were present. However, the largest representation was that of the peasants of the canton of Limon via the Association of Peasants of Limon Indanza ACLI. This has largely rejected the Chinese-Canadian mining above mentioned.
Participation have invested massive mini Coliseum Huequito Limon has demonstrated once again, the full force of the protest against mega mining, stressing that despite campaigns billionaires and mechanisms misleading (often using the structures State and government) that mining company has no social license.
1. Denying the presence of Corriente Resouces-ECSA-explorcobres showing unconditional solidarity with organizations and communities that resist this foreign company.
2. Reject the purchase of consciences skillfully made by companies seeking a licensed social
3. Els continue Dialogues for Life.
4. Continue the process of strengthening grassroots organizing.
5. Continue to expose illegal concessions made without consultation, which means thousands of acres in the hands of nominees and foreign companies.
6. Refuse the use of the popular struggle for interests other than those of the village.
7. Reject the criminalization and persecution of resistance, repression mechanism used not only now but at the beginning of this government.
8. Convene an Extraordinary popular Gualaquiza.
9. Participate at the Fourth National Meeting of Women and the first against the Guardians of the Amazon organized on 21, 22, 23 and 24 March to the Front Cuenca.par Tzawata and Women Defenders of the Pachamama, the Front of the Defenders of Women Amazonia, the Kichwa people of Tzawata-Ila-Chukapi and the Organization Juvenil Comuna Amazonica.
10. Exclude the corporate environmental NGOs because of division and undermine the legitimate right of farmers and peasants to the land and their own organization.
Communications Team of the Coordinadora Nacional por Defense of Life and Sovereignty CNDVS
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