Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Belladonna Wesley Pipes


"Doctor", will that I got sick sex? Agnes was the midwife and obstetrician gynecologist. As a gynecologist practicing medical and surgical specialty that treats diseases of the female reproductive system (uterus, vagina and ovaries). And for so many meetings with women this question was frequent.

For some of them sex was sick and for several reasons. First there was the diseases can be transmitted sexually and his companions often passed without knowing it, including: syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, hepatitis B and from the 80 AIDS. Then, many women believed that sexual diseases could come from the soul.

''Doctor, you see that at the beginning I knew little of sex and of course, one due to what the man says. But it happens that feels forced, PhD. And when in addition there are cries and poorly enforced treatment, is like the soul is sick first and then what you see, disease appears.''

How many of us could say to the Comadre Inés that we are forced by our peers? Be enforced is one of the most mundane signs of male domination against women, lack of equality. Why accept this? How and why are we afraid?

With Agnes realized that we should talk much more about this new fear.


Tête à tête avec Agnes (V)

"Docteur", est-ce que sexe you me rend malade? Inés was an obstetrician-gynecologist. As a gynecologist she practiced medical and surgical specialty that treats diseases of the female genital tract (uterus, vagina and ovaries). In his many meetings with women this issue was common.

For some of them could sex made them sick and, for several reasons. There was first the disease can be transmitted sexually from their companions, often without even knowing it, like syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, hepatitis B and 80's from AIDS. Then Many women believed that sexual diseases could come from the soul.

''Doctor, look at the beginning I knew little about sex and, of course, we obeyed what the man says. But sometimes it feels forced, Doctor. And when in addition to being forced there shouting and abuse in addition, it is as if the soul gets sick first, then what you see, disease appears.''

How many of us could say to Dr Inés we feel compelled by our companions? Be enforced is one of the surest signs daily of male domination against women, lack of equality. Why do we accept this? What and why are we afraid?

With Inés we understood that we would talk more about this new fear.



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