I went alone to the party Spring Court Luckington my friends always gave the first Saturday of April. In another time would have been unthinkable to go alone to a party, but I would not be intimidated in the XXI century because my relationship with Mr. Wentworth had finished. Maybe my sister was right and the distance is oblivion ..... clear that my sister had compared my dress with a lollipop strawberry and cream! I felt something cold to take the cup from the tray that Carter gave me a smile.
"I should have brought the shawl ..... to go back on the air to catch a cold ...." I thought.
"Anne?" I heard my back. As I turned I saw him take off his jacket to wear it on his shoulders with a smile.
"You look like a lollipop strawberry and cream is freezing."
did not sound so bad after all .....
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